But, as a rule, when collecting anamnesis, it turns out that in childhood a person experienced constipation and abdominal pain - that is, it was possible to identify the pathology earlier.

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With a clear understanding of the causes and consequences of their disease and strict adherence to the doctor�s instructions, the vast majority of patients normalize their lives and do not require surgery.

Nutrition is the most important aspect of maintaining normal digestion for every person with an elongated large intestine (and even for a completely healthy person). This should be treated not as a temporary therapeutic measure, but as a way of life that must always be adhered to. Especially when you feel normal! If a disease is detected in a child, parents should make every effort to instill proper eating habits in their child. The doctor makes efforts when making a diagnosis and creating an individual treatment regimen. But then the initiative and responsibility pass into the hands of the patient (or those who care for him).

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Each patient, starting to buy biaxin online, gradually finds out which dishes and food combinations suit him best. But the general diet plan is as follows.

You should eat fractionally - often and in small portions. Preference is given to soft, warm (not hot or cold) food - prepared by baking, boiling, stewing. Fried, canned foods are not good for anyone, especially a person with dolichocolon. Easily digestible carbohydrates (flour, sweets, potatoes, rice) are not healthy. But you definitely need to eat foods rich in fiber that stimulate peristalsis - greens, vegetables, bran, whole grain bread, buckwheat, and so on. Some vegetables and fruits subjectively cause bloating - they, too, should be excluded from the diet.

  • From protein foods, fermented milk products and fish are preferred.
  • It is useful to season salads made from fresh vegetables with vegetable oil.
  • Digestion is the most important part of biaxin pills. Unpleasant symptoms such as gas, bloating and diarrhea seem too simple to see a doctor. Independent attempts to improve the functioning of the digestive tract only aggravate the problem. This condition can be caused by poor diet or pathology of intestinal development - dolichocolon.
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  • In infants, total dolichocolon develops in the first month of life. Switching to buy clarithromycin online or artificial feeding increases unpleasant symptoms. When examining babies, moderate bloating is detected, intestinal peristalsis and flatulence are noticed.
  • Older children and adults complain of abdominal pain, especially after physical activity or prolonged standing. Constipation gives way to diarrhea, and after the intestines are released, the feeling of pressure goes away. Visual examination shows bloating; palpation reveals thickening of the intestinal loops. It is believed that the risk of developing the anomaly increases in older people.
  • Doctors tend to believe that dolichoColon is a congenital anomaly; it is most often detected in children in the first month of their life, during the period when the baby is transferred to artificial feeding. But the symptoms manifest themselves most clearly after the baby is switched to a physiological diet.
  • During this period, there is a noticeable increase in the abdomen and strong rumbling in it; treatment comes down to a revision of clarithromycin pills.
  • Dolichocolon in adults can also become an acquired disease. At risk are older people, those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat poorly. In addition to constipation, other manifestations are also observed.

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Aching pain in the abdomen, on the left side, intensifying during any physical activity or during a long stay of the body in an upright position. Patients complain of clarithromycin bloating and the severe discomfort it brings. Acts of defecation are painful, they are accompanied by the appearance of cracks, hemorrhoids, and prolapse of the colon mucosa. The main symptom of dolichocolon in adults and children is a recurrent course with no signs of intoxication of the body. They are absent even during periods of exacerbation of the disease, so therapy is most often carried out at home.

When palpating the colon in adults, moderate pain occurs. During examination, a specialist can feel an increase in the loops of the large intestine. Digital rectal examination reveals the intestinal ampoule, which is filled to the top with feces of a solid consistency. And this is another characteristic manifestation. When a patient experiences dolichocolon, emptying brings obvious relief; after defecation, as a rule, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves. What other examinations help confirm the described diagnosis?

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In order to develop a control strategy and exclude similar anomalies, doctors use instrumental and differential research methods. During the examination, it is important to collect the entire clinical picture and differentiate the pathology from Hirschsprung�s disease, dolichosigma, and other pathologies, the symptoms of which are prolonged constipation. If intestinal dolichocolon is suspected, the patient is prescribed. Irrigoscopy (x-ray using illuminating substances). Colonoscopy. Examination of stool for dysbiosis. Biopsy according to Swenson. Scintigraphy. Features of the treatment of dolichocolon.

  • For dolichocolon, treatment is complex. It consists of several points. Shown to the patient.
  • Long-term diet. Therapeutic abdominal massage. Exercise therapy procedures. Installation of siphon enemas.

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